Suppliers Quality Requirements

This document establishes the minimum quality system requirements for external providers to ensure that purchased products, materials and services meet the required quality level for AQUARESE.

Control of purchases :

The supplier shall have a process in place to flow down AQUARESE requirements to sub-tier suppliers. When applicable, the supplier shall ensure that any AQUARESE requirements that are associated to items that are procured or outsourced in order to meet an AQUARESE purchase order are flowed down to the applicable sub-tier suppliers. The supplier shall include right of entry provision in any subcontract. These provisions shall allow the supplier, its customer, and regulatory agencies. It will make available the records necessary for the exercise of their mission.

Documents :

The supplier shall ensure before any activity that he has all the necessary documents (general tolerances, NF, ISO standards, etc.) for the execution of the order. The acknowledgement of receipt of the order must be sent back to Aquarese within 8 days from the date of receipt of the order.

Notification of Changes :

The Supplier shall notify the AQUARESE facility procurement representative of changes that affect the operational proficiency of a facility; alterations in upper management or organization restructuring; alterations in the business name, location or ownership; processing capabilities, and any other pertinent changes that could hinder the capacity to conduct customary business activities or the quality of products and services.

Control :

The supplier shall apply appropriate controls to its direct and sub-tier suppliers (external providers) to ensure that requirements are met.

In order to avoid the delivery of non-compliant products, all products must be checked before shipment. Upon delivery, the parts shall include an inspection report and a declaration of conformity. In the case of complete subcontracting, a material and protection certificate will be required. The 100% inspected part must be marked on delivery. All checks must be carried out with a traced (updated) device, i.e. identified, checked and calibrated. Any new process used or new subcontracting must be validated before any subcontracting operation, even if this new process induces an identical result.

Product Traceability :

shall be maintained from receipt of raw material through finished product. Records and material shall be identified by lot number, material type, specification and applicable revision identifier or date of issue, heat number, serial number, etc., as required to maintain traceability.

Staff information :

The supplier shall ensure that staff are aware of: Its contribution to the conformity of the product or service, its contribution to product safety, the importance of Ethics.

Corrective action :

If nonconforming product escapes to AQUARESE, the supplier shall take corrective action immediately regardless of where the nonconformance was identified, i.e., the supplier`s facility, at AQUARESE, in transit, at an AQUARESE customer, etc. This is to ensure nonconforming product is contained, root cause of the problem is identified, including, as applicable, those related to human factors and proper actions are put in place to prevent the recurrence in the process.

Delivery :

The delivery note shall include the complete reference of the order. The quantity delivered must correspond to the quantity ordered unless otherwise agreed. Careful packaging is required to protect against any risk of damage during transport. In order to avoid any risk of corrosion that would be detrimental to the product, a lubrication adapted to the material can be necessary. Aquarese will provide the reference of the product to be used.

Records and Retention :

Part, material, purchase orders, amendments, product related manufacturing and inspection records are required to be maintained for the length of time that the contract is active plus 10 years, and 30 years for work on parts related to the aeronautics sector unless otherwise specified in the contract. Records shall be maintained in an appropriate environment and shall be available upon request. The subcontractor may also choose to send Aquarese all the statements and Aquarese will take care of the archiving.

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